This is the before of the timeout pic.
Jin: "Do you know how much I spend on food!? For you and your siblings? Just for you to go and eat the utensils. That crap cost more money and suppose to last years! Do you have half an idea how much this crap cost me!?"
Rie: "Cost you, cost you , COST YOU!! (ow) Have you forgot whose money you're spending!? (ow) My money! (owwah!))
Jin: ......."Oh yeah... You don't have money! Your 'daddy' sends you money!"
Rie: "It's still mine! (ow ow ow!!))
Yeah Rie and Jin always get into it. Jin gets a check from the agency he works for. He may have promised to take care of Rie but he was also quite fortunate that he gets paid by an agency aswell.